Why Virtual Dog Training is BETTER for your dog!
When training your dog, it is important to remember that there are many layers involved. Your dog may be able to listen to you in your lounge, or even your garden, but can they listen on a walk? Can they listen when out in new environments?
With all of the dog training games we teach, we always stress the importance of starting off in an environment that your dog can cope with, for example in the house. Once they have that cracked you can work your way up to other environments, like:
- The back garden
- The front garden
- Across the road
- A park, field or place they know
- A park, field or place they DONT know
- With distractions they can cope with
- With distractions they find harder
Working your way through different environments and distractions, at a pace to suit your dog, means that you can set them up for SUCCESS whilst keeping a close eye on how they react.
We love teaching dog training in person, and it’s great learning for our dogs too! We are very different to a lot of dog trainers in that we encourage people to bring crates for their dogs, or beds for the more experienced. It helps to make the otherwise busy environment a lot easier for them and gives our students a chance to listen to what’s coming next.
Virtual dog training classes take this one step FURTHER.
With a virtual dog training class, your dog benefits from learning in the easiest environment possible – your home!
With very little distraction, you are setting your dog up for the best possible success!
Virtual classes have been an absolute life changer for us. Nova came to live with us just before lockdown, she was a nervous, reactive 10 month old large breed with no training, manners or socialisation. We needed help but every aspect of ‘traditional’ training classes were out of the question due to her fear of cars, strangers, dogs and new places. Nikki’s virtual classes allowed us to build her training in a setting which was comfortable for her; developing our relationship as well as her confidence and optimism. But the training doesn’t stop when the zoom call ends, Nikki has given us skills and techniques to take out and about which has transformed our whole life with Nova. After quite a trying start, I genuinely love owning, walking and working with Nova and knowing that Nikki is always there – on group classes to keep things topped up or in virtual one to ones for specific problems – gives me the confidence to face new problems. Jen with Nova
The dog trainer is live and can very quickly move from one camera to the next and give invaluable feedback to you, almost on a one to one level, with lots of opportunity for live troubleshooting and questions.
If you want to get started in virtual classes and are new to concept training, then we recommend our Puppy Course – Training Foundations as the BEST place to start.
It’s not just for puppies, we have dogs of ALL ages attend. Even if you have attended a puppy training class elsewhere, this course is still for you as it will teach you the fundamentals of concept training, the foundations you will need in order to layer up all of those amazing skills we teach.
Foundations such as ditching the bowl, teaching calm, focus, 24/7 dog training and impulse control. These are the KEY concepts that all dogs need in order to move forward with the other classes, not to mention the HUGE amount of freebies you get alongside it! You can sign up here – courses run every 7 weeks.